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Personally Observe Transactions to Transition Yourself Training = P.O.T.T.Y. Training


There is a lack of P.O.T.T.Y. Training in this world when it comes to Ass Souls. Ass Souls Rule! Why keep playing pretend?


Let’s talk about Savvying the Elephant’s eXistence BArticulating the Basics Y’know?
Let’s talk about you & Minding Experientials.
Let’s talk about all the good shit and the bat shit crazy things of actuality.
Let’s talk about Savvying Energetic eXchange.




Let’s talk about S.E.X. B.A.B.Y.?
Let’s talk about you & M.E..
Let’s talk about all the good shit and the bat shit crazy things of actuality.
Let’s talk about S.E.X..


Personally Observe Transactions to Transition Yourself Training ebook

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