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About Atlas Scribe

Atlas Scribe Headshot Sitting on Stairs

Atlas Scribe



Ass Souls Rule & its School Originator

Wizard of Ass Souls Rule


Atlas Scribe is the sui generis originator of the Ass Souls Rule game and Ass Souls Rule’s School, an Advanced Technology Online Magic School. She cheekily breaks the fourth wall with her geek & ye shall find approach to authoring books & creating resources for discovering you’re a Magician because you just don’t know I.T. — Interfacing Technology, while Acer, a playful winged donkey, guides kids of all ages to discover their innate Interfacing Tech Magic. She's also the Wizard of Ass Souls Rule ~ wizard as in technical expert yet there may be a double meaning in that!


By day Atlas is playing in her Genetic User Interface (G.U.I.) as a systems engineer while everyone else is oblivious of their advanced technology magic! This is What Actually Takes Experience to Realize & Ass Souls Rule’s School’s resources are geared towards facilitating this realization and advanced technology magic development in others.


I have had 25+ year drive to figure out...


  1. WTF is really going on in life behind the scenes?

  2. Why does all this shit happen?

  3. What isn't bullshit?

...after a lifetime amidst, among & experientially shat upon by one Ass Soul after another. I'm turning that shit into some great manure.

Gotta make this shitty shit fun somehow, so per Mary Poppins "in every job that must be done there's an element of fun...find the fun and snap! the job's a game!" I am using a gaming framework, amongst other things, to explore and explain this shit and life's inherit Ass Soul experiences within Ass Souls Rule & Ass Souls Rule's School.

I Got Exploring Experiential Kinetics in my Every Day (G.E.E.K.E.D.) and I sure did find some things out! 


As Neil Gaiman inspired ... Make Good Art... and so I am...


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